No Guarantee

A degree from the National School of Theology (NSOT) does not guarantee a job or ordination in any specific market or ministry, NSOT is not listed with the U.S. Department of Education, and a NSOT degree is specifically not suited for people pursuing jobs as public school teachers, state university professors, state-licensed psychologists, amongst other vocations. The primary purposes of this degree are to help strengthen one’s walk with God, and to help equip him for Christian ministry, specifically to become a Spirit-anointed leader. Although the NSOT may help in pointing one to job location services, each student is responsible to locate any job in his future. It is wise and prudent for students to check with those who are working in the field(s) they desire to work in when they graduate in order to ensure that the path they are on will be acceptable for the specific kind of job or ministry they are pursuing.