
The esteemed alumni of the National School of Theology (NSOT) are a testament to our commitment to academic excellence and spiritual growth. Graduates have gone on to make significant contributions as clergy members, theologians, scholars, and community leaders. We offer a unique educational experience that combines rigorous theological studies with practical training, fostering a deep understanding of Christian principles alongside the development of interpersonal and leadership skills.

Joining NSOT Alumni provides an unparalleled opportunity to engage in thoughtful discourse, expand one’s spiritual horizons, and be a part of a supportive and diverse community. Whether aspiring to serve in a Christian vocation or seeking to enrich your understanding of faith, the NSOT stands as a beacon of intellectual exploration and spiritual growth, welcoming individuals to embark on a journey of profound learning and personal transformation. Becoming an NSOT Alumni offers a transformative and enriching journey that extends beyond the classroom. Our comprehensive curriculum, led by experienced faculty and theologians, equips students with a deep understanding of religious traditions, ethics, and critical thinking skills. As an alumni, you join a prestigious network of individuals who have not only gained valuable knowledge but have also developed a profound sense of purpose and spiritual insight. The NSOT nurtures a community that fosters lifelong connections, providing opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and continuous growth. By becoming an alumni, you contribute to a legacy of impactful leaders, scholars, and practitioners who strive to make positive contributions to society and engage in meaningful dialogue about faith and its role in a rapidly evolving world. Whether your calling is in ministry, academia, or community service, being a part of the NSOT alumni community offers a lifelong source of inspiration, support, and a platform to enact positive change in both your own life and the lives of others.

The cost to join the National School of Theology as an alumni is $35 per year, which provides access to a wide range of benefits and opportunities. This nominal fee ensures continued engagement with the school’s community and resources, fostering connections that extend beyond graduation. Additionally, the annual renewal fee of $25 per year allows alumni to sustain their involvement and maintain access to the school’s network, events, and educational materials. This financial commitment represents an investment in ongoing personal and professional growth, as well as a dedication to staying connected with like-minded individuals who share a passion for theological exploration and spiritual development. The fees contribute to the school’s ability to offer relevant programming, support services, and a platform for alumni to make meaningful contributions to their communities.

Dr. Katherine Bohanon